Checklist to help in the preperation, on the day, and follow up to your event:
- Pick the mapathon-specific tasks
- Check the overall imagery quality
- Check for special concerns regarding task
- Prepare a tracing/tagging guide for the task
- Take retraceable “before shots” of the area
- ID editor
- Mapnik?
- Assign ITO “areas” (different zooms)
- Before metrics
- Book in advance, consider:
- Time
- Place
- Scheduling conflicts
- Anticipated audience
- Internet access
- Visit the venue in advance, consider
- Do people need to register to enter?
- Power outlets (how many/where?)
- Are there projectors/screens?
- Does the venue have computers? If not, encourage everyone to bring laptops and mice
- Know who to contact in advance in case of IT issues
- Power strips
- Chairs
- Tables
- Speakers
- Microphones
- Posters
- Sign in sheet (Name, Email, Affiliation, How’d You Hear about This Event?)
- Event posters (guide people to the room)
- Print any necessary handouts
- Name tags
- Music
- Extra mice if possible
- Extra laptops if possible
- Food/Drink
- Cups, Plates, Utensils, Napkins
#Pre event Outreach
- Coordinate with potential partners
- MeetUp
- Reach out to similar MeetUps
- Reach out to local universities
- Libraries
- Media
- Encourage people to join remotely
- Teleconference
- Twitter (Pick a hashtag)
- Facebook Posts
- Consider sending partners social media toolkit
- Send a friendly event reminder
During the event
- Show the ”Why Map?” video
- Gauge the room’s experience
- Everyone mapping has an OSM account
- Live editing tutorial (ID editor)
- Take pictures!
- Check in with mappers throughout the event
Post event
- Thank everyone for attending!
- (Are there related events in the area? Point them out!)
- Send a progress report to all attendees
- Consider sending personalized emails thanking people for their individual contributions
- Metrics (how many people, how many edits?)
- After shots
- ID editor
- ITO areas
- Create graphics
- Start planning the next one!